Little bits of housekeeping that don't warrant a whole entry by themselves:
- On Thursday night, I completed 5.02k in training in 00:40:20 - which is really good, considering that when people ask me about the race on the 25th, I always tell them that my goal is to complete in less than an hour and to not be dead at the end. I was chatting with a friend of mine last night who is also entered in this race and it got me quite excited. Her goal to finish in is 31 minutes - I think I am doing pretty good then!
- The scale has only budged .06lbs (downward) in the last three weeks. I am okay with this. As long as it isn't going up, staying the same is okay, too because I can feel my physical body getting stronger, developing more stamina and I can feel my mental game upping the ante quite a bit, too.
- I ate way too many carbs last night, but that's okay. I started my first day using the LoseIt! app for Android and I love how easy it is, and it's right in the palm of my hand no matter where I am - I can see myself using this tool to it's full benefit.
- I started a round with the Jillian Michaels "Frontside" and "Backside" DVDs - so far I have done the Frontside once with the DVD and once at the gym (minus the cardio intervals because I did cardio prior). The soreness from all of that is almost gone.
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